Thankful for Independence

Happy Fourth of July to my divas celebrating here in the United States and welcome to Thankful Thursday! Today, of course, I’m thankful for independence. I hope your families have a fantastic day – whether you’re traveling or staying close to home. Remember to be safe and take a moment to pause and reflect on today’s meaning. Remember we’re celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence – a document that began our journey as a new nation – independent states no longer dependent on Great Britain.

As you focus on Independence Day and the meaning behind it, also, take a moment to pause and think if there are anythings in your life that you need to draft a Declaration of Independence from – depression, financial woes, negativity, draining relationships, unhealthy behaviors… I challenge you to release anything that may be holding you down or back from your goals and journey through life. Press forward and keep your head up high.

Thankful Thursday

What are you thankful for this week? 
Does your family do anything special to commemorate the 4th of July?

Bloggers, feel free to link-up your gratitude posts and connect with others this week.
This week I’m linking up with and supporting There’s Just One Mommy, The Fontenot Four, Friendship Friday