100 Ideas for Your Self Soothing Kit

A self soothing kit contains items that provide you with a sense of calm and comfort when feelings of panic or distress arise.

How does a self soothing kit help you?

Let’s be honest in those moments, it is hard to focus and ground ourselves. You will have things that can help you at the moment, easily accessible with a little pre-planning.

When feelings of distress like panic or anxiety attacks happen, one way to center yourself is to focus on your five senses in that moment: What do you see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Feel?

You can apply this to a self-soothing kit.

A self-soothing kit should include items that make you feel safe, loved, and nurtured so when moments of anxiety or panic arise have what you need close by.

100 Items for Your Self Soothing Kit

Quick note: This article includes affiliate links.

Many of the items listed can be found in my Amazon Store.

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20 Items for Sight

1 – photos of things that make you happy

2 – pictures of nature landscapes

3 – Notecards with reminders to “Breathe Deeply” and “Be Present”

4 – Coloring book

5 – A notecard with 5-10 things you can do when stressed or overwhelmed

6 – Kaleidoscope

7 – Notes from loved ones with kind and affirming words

8 – Affirmation cards

9 – Mindfulness cards

10 – Pictures drawn by your children

11 – Small notepad or journal to write your thoughts

12 – Trinkets in your favorite color

13 – Stickers

14 – Play Dough

15 – Pin Wheel

16 – Liquid Motion Timer

17 – Eye Mask

18 – Snow globe

19 – Sand Timers

20 – Visualization

20 Items for Sound

(Note: You can save many of the sound items as a playlist on your cell phone.)

1 – Headphones

2 – Recording of your voice reading affirmations

3 – Recording of a loved one saying loving and affirming words

4 – Clickers

5 – Whistle

6 – Harmonica

7 – Kazoo

8 – YouTube videos with calming sounds

9 – Calm (or similar) App

10 – Earplugs

11 – Tissue paper to crinkle

12 – Upbeat music

13 – Jazz music

14 – Mozart

15 – Sound frequencies

16 – Read tongue twisters out loud (or from memory if you’ve got it like that)

17 – A list of trusted confidantes you can call and just talk or listen to

18 – Bubble pop packaging (helps for touch, as well)

19 – Mindfulness technique written that helps you breathe and focus in on sounds around you

2- A session on the Bloom app


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Hi There! A big topic these days is mental health and as we join a new decade I want to continue to address that. I’ve been open about my journey and experiences with depression and anxiety. I’ve learned that it’s essential that we take care of our thoughts and emotions and learn healthier ways to deal with them . This helps us to have a more positive and joy-filled life. Now this involves some work on our part and re-training our minds. Therapy is one way. I recently learned about a new amazing App called Bloom. It’s basically a mental health coach in your pocket. What I love is that they combine video and journaling and really guide you through these exercises to better cope with stress, anxiety but also develop more self-confidence, gratitude, happiness and awareness. I’ve been using it in the past few days and love it. Try it yourself FREE for 7 days – https://go.onelink.me/app/divamdgarrett Enjoy and have a beautiful 2020. Let’s do this 💜

A post shared by Mom 💜 Diva 💜 Blogger (@divamdgarrett) on

20 Items for Smell

1 – Scented lotions

2 – Essential Oils (lavender, peppermint and rose are good for calming)

3 – Scratch & Sniff Stickers

4 – Mood Lifting Essential Oil Blend

5 – Pieces of scented bar soap

6 – Hand sanitizer

7 – Scent satchets

8 – Lavendar scented products (calms the mind and body)

9 – Vanilla scented products (elevates your mood)

10 – Coffee beans

11 – Citrus scented products (helps you feel energized)

12 – Jasmine scented products (eases depression)

13 – Cinnamon scented products (sharpens your mind)

14 – Rosemary scented products (increases alertness)

15 – Pine scented products (alleviates stress)

16 – Peppermind scented products (boosts concentration)

17 – Lemon scented products

18 – Ginger scented products

19 – Lemongrass scented products

20 – Your favorite perfume or scent that evokes a pleasant memory

20 Items for Taste

1 – Peppermint candy

2 – Peppermint gum

3 – Cough drops

4 – Fruit snacks

5 – Sour candies

6 – Bubble gum

7 – Hershey Kisses

8 – Rescue Remedy

9 – Marshmallows

10 – Pretzels

11 – Almonds

12 – Bottled water

13 – Gift card or cash for your favorite treat

14 – Trail Mix

15 – Chamomile Tea Packets

16 – Green Tea Packets

17 – Ashwagandha Capsules

18 – Peppermint drops

19 – Dark Chocolate

20 – Yogi Tea

20 Items for Touch

1 – Fidget toys

2 – Silly Putty

3 – A smooth stone

4 – Stress balls

5 – Facial spray

6 – Lego Kits

7 – Hand lotion

8 – Rubik cube

9 – Soft brush for your skin

10 – Scented Hand Sanitizer

11 – Wipes

12 – Pipe Cleaners

13 – Marbles

14 – Stretchy String

15 – Bubbles (encourages focused breathing, too!)

16 – Magnetic Tiles

17 – Pin Art Toy

18 – Bubble Wrap

19 – Pocket Etch-A-Sketch

20 – Mini Massager

Finally, I would highly suggest keeping a copy of your self-care plan in your kit for easy access.