Self Love – Know Your Worth Divas!

Scandal was one of the most popular television shows this past season.  Viewers were glued to their screens on Thursday evenings and are taken on a roller coaster of emotions by executive producer Shonda Rhimes and her superb writers and actors.

If you were away from your television set on Thursday evening, you know not to tune into social media because you will barraged with the dialogue, debates, and spoilers.  On one of the final episodes from this season, the takeaway line was “If you want me, earn me!”

I am not going to get into a debate about the characters or plot surrounding Olivia Pope and Fitzy’s relationship (that’s a whole blog series in itself!).  I don’t condone extramarital affairs, relationships, whatever you want to call them. The wife in me wants to hate Scandal.  The fan in me can’t help but tune in and love to hate them all.

Do you know your self worth?

What I do want to touch on, is knowing your self worth. If no one has told you this lately – You are one AWESOME diva!!! Now that we’ve cleared that up, your assignment is to tell yourself that at least once a day! Seriously!

Before anyone can “earn you” you must know your worth. Evaluate if what you’re asking for is of fair market value.

Before anyone can “earn you” you must realize that your most valuable assets are priceless – even though many try to place a price on them.

you are one awesome diva


Remember that you are uniquely and wonderfully made. Everything that is you – your life experiences, your ups and downs, your motivations and struggles – all of that makes you the person that you are. Helps to inspire you, motivate you and empower you.

Stop the negative self-talk! There is so much power in the words that we speak to and about ourselves – it’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you say “I can’t” enough times, guess what? You won’t!

Remember: You’ve got that divatude from the inside out…not the outside in…the wonderful beautiful person that you are on the inside is what enhances the outer beauty you have! Embrace it!!!