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Patricia Lolo of Divas In Transition

Getting Fit and Healthy With A Busy Schedule

Divas With A Purpose hosted our first virtual conference last month. The Divatude Experience focused on different facets of our personal and professional lives. Registered participants will be receiving special offers from our speakers and sponsors and had the opportunity to connect with them one-on-one in our closed Facebook group. This week we’ll be sharing…

Simple Ways To Support Small Business Saturday

Online Divapreneurs To Support for #SmallBizSaturday

The Saturday after Thanksgiving is designated as Small Business Saturday. The very first Small Business Saturday was held in 2010 on November 27th. The concept was simple – to encourage consumers to support their local small businesses the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Founded by American Express, the day received the support of our government leaders and…

Emotions and Self Love
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Emotions and Self-Love #CreativeSelfLove

Disclosure: I received a complimentary digital copy of Cheryl Bridge’s book “Me, Myself, & I ~ 28 Days of Creative Self-Love”. My opinion and my inner wisdom are authentic and 100% my own. #CreativeSelfLove is definitely different than any other self-help or journaling activity I have participated in. The key is to create a multidimensional experience…