Search Results for: creating healthy habits

So how do you get into a daily mindfulness routine? To get started, choose a time to practice each day. The goal is to get into the habit of taking a few moments each day to focus your awareness on what is happening at that present moment. #mindfulness #selfcare

The Power of Mindfulness in Building Clarity

Are you familiar with the term “mindfulness”? I was recently asked to explain what it is after sharing I was being more intentional with my daily mindfulness practices. Simply put it’s focusing in on what’s going on in a specific moment. Without judgement, you are focused on what you are currently feeling and experiencing. Many…

ADHD Tips for Parents

ADHD Tips for Parents

This article covers five practical ADHD tips for parents to improve their child’s memory, including creating structured routines, implementing school strategies, using organizational tools, engaging in memory-boosting activities, and promoting brain-healthy habits. Parenting a child with ADHD can be challenging, especially when it comes to improving their memory skills. Children with ADHD often struggle with…