This page provides information on how we can #PreventACEs (adverse childhood experiences), #findyour3 and support the children in our families and communities.
I absolutely love the work I did with my partnership with the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics. I worked with them for five years to share information, engage conversations, and provide first-hand experience on how ACEs have impacted my family.
What are Adverse Childhood Experiences?
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is the term for types of adversities children may experience before their 18th birthday: physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; emotional or physical neglect; mental illness in household; alcohol and substance use in household; witnessing intimate partner violence in the home; having a parent or family member incarcerated; parent separation or divorce; and death of a parent or sibling. Approximately two-thirds of adults have experienced at least one ACE in their lifetime. The more ACEs a child experiences, the greater their risk for mental, physical and emotional problems later in life.
Safe and nurturing relationships with trusted adults can be a lifesaver for a child dealing with Adverse Childhood Experiences

Read all about how to let others in and the importance of creating a support system:
The need for safe and secure relationships does not end with our childhood. As adults it is important to let others in, be intentional about creating connections and identify three people or resources to rely on. Why? Our childhood experiences build the foundation for how we behave as adults. Even if we did not have the support we needed growing up, we have the opportunity to be what we did not get to others.
The Importance of Positive Childhood Experiences

This article shares a simple way to connect with tweens and teens in your life by offering simple ways to make a difference in their lives by being part of their support system.
The infographics below share simple ways you can create positive experiences for the children and teens in your life. Show of hands if you sometimes overthink things? Let’s take some of the guess work out of making a difference in the life of a young person.

Let’s talk about how you can prevent adverse childhood experiences