June Journaling Prompts: Great journal prompts to use within your personal and professional journaling journey. These can also be used to engage with your online social media community. #journalprompts

June Journal Prompts

Here is a listing of June journal prompts to incorporate this month. We use these in our journaling projects, live-streams, social media posts and even to spark conversation around the dinner table. If you have not started a regular routine of connecting with your family and encouraging your children to express themselves, I challenge you…

Resources on how to start a blog

How to Start a Blog

I’m often asked how to start a blog. In 2018 I started a PeriGirls TV Series called So You Wanna Blog! to help answer that question based on my years of experience. My intent with this series is to provide simple tools and resources for you to start or rejuvenate your blog so it can be…