How to Choose Your One Word
If you had to choose one word to describe your focus and intentions for the coming year, what would it be?
The start of the new year is a time of reflection and resolution. Making resolutions is one way many of us focus our goals for the coming year. If you’re looking for an easy but impactful way to make a resolution for 2021, why not consider choosing just one word? One word resolutions are an effective and inspiring way to commit to meaningful change over the course of the year.
Years ago I read a novel entitled Thursdays at Eight by Debbie Macomber. Rather than resolutions, the main characters each chose a word for the year. The word was to be something they wanted to focus on, strengthen or embrace. I loved the idea the practice became a part of my annual goal-setting routine.

How choosing a word of the year has made a difference for me
One year, my word was “focus” and for the first two years, my word was gratitude. The year I chose “support” was to focus more on giving genuine support to others. I wanted to focus on the vision of Divas With A Purpose to be a site dedicated to supporting women in all areas of their lives.
[Tweet “While it seems simple enough, once you settle on a word and shape your goals for the year – that one word seems to be a flashing red light at times.”]
While it seems simple enough, once you settle on a word and shape your goals for the year – that one word seems to be a flashing red light at times. The first year I chose gratitude, two days into the new year I lost my youngest uncle. Gratitude was the furthest thing from my mind – but throughout the entire ordeal, it was there. A reminder that I had intentionally decided to focus on gratitude no matter what, and had to hold myself accountable.
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How to Choose Your Word of the Year
This is an exercise that I have used in the past and with goal-setting groups to help others determine their word of the year. One thing I always stress is that your word may not come to you immediately. You may need to meditate on it and let it come to you. The year I chose BOLD as my word it came to me while I was washing dishes. Totally out of the blue, but it clicked and made sense when I reflected on the growth I needed to focus on that upcoming year.
1 – Without being deliberate, begin writing down words focused on what you would like to do and be in the upcoming year. It could be specific activities you would like to accomplish; characteristics you would like to embody and embrace; habits you would like to break; anything that comes to mind when you think about the coming months
2 – Review your list and circle any words that stand out to you.
3 – Reflect on what you want to accomplish in the coming year, and compare it to your circled words. Does anything jump at you? Is there a resounding theme?
4 – Recognize that sometimes your word may come to you immediately. You may need to meditate on it and seek guidance and input from others.
Have you chosen a word for the year?