October Social Media Prompts
This article shares 31 October Social Media Prompts to help you show up consistently prepare your social media content calendar for the month.
It’s officially 4th Quarter! So many things are happening over the next 3 months. It’s easy to get overwhelmed about where to focus your attention. These October Social Media prompts are to help you establish a foundation for connecting with your community.
It’s important to remember to consistently talk about your business. Don’t be shy! Share your products and services and why others need them in your life.

October Social Media Content Calendar
- National Diversity Day: Encourage your community to share their traditions. You can also host a conversation with others in your niche about the challenges they faced in terms of diversity.
- #Goals: What are your October business and/or personal goals? Ask your community to share at least one goal they want to accomplish this month.
- Family History Month: Share how someone in your family has impacted your entrepreneurial journey. Ask your community to share fond memories of their relatives or stories passed down through different generations.
- Improve Your Office Day: Share ways or tips your community can improve their workspace.
- World Teachers Day: If this day doesn’t need to be celebrated this year, I don’t know what should be! Ask your community to share about their favorite teacher.
- Get Organized Week: This is a great week to host a 5-day organization challenge and make it niche-specific. Today, you can share your best business tip for being organized in your business. Not so organized? Ask your community for their best organization tips. Help them help you!
- National Flower Day: This is a great engagement focus. Ask your community to share their favorite flower. You can also use this as a day to give virtual flowers to those who have supported your community and/or business.
- Emotional Wellness Month: Ask your community to share how they focus on their emotional wellness. You can also share simple tips you’ve incorporated to do the same.
- Biz Introductions: (Re)Introduce yourself to your community. This is a great opportunity to share what you’ll be focusing on this month, or ways they can engage and connect with you.
- World Mental Health Day: Share resources related to mental health awareness. Simple Mental Health Tips has some great articles to get you started.
- You Go, Girl Day: Shout out someone breaking barriers with the work they do.
- National Savings Day: Share your best savings tips. You can also have a #SavingsDay Flash Sale.
- Treat Yo’ Self: Ask your community to share their favorite ways to treat themselves.
- Home-Based Business Week: Share behind-the-scenes of your home business. Discuss any transitions or shifts you’ve had to make due to sheltering-in-place or distance learning.
- Breast Health Day: It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. #BreastHealthDay is a great day to share awareness tips and remind your community to get their annual breast exams.
- National Learn A Word Day: Share a new word that relates to your business or niche. Encourage your community to learn a new word and share the most unique or humorous word they know that may not be well-known.
- Emotional Wellness Month: Share simple tips to focus on emotional health and well-being.
- #GoodMorning: How are you starting your day?
- Evaluate Your Life Day: Ask your community to share how they know if it’s time for a change.
- I’m Just Me Because Month: Share something that makes you YOU. Ask your community to do the same.
- Life of an Entrepreneur: Share a quick behind-the-scenes video of how you do something within your business.
- Positive Attitude Month: Create a quick video sharing your best tips for staying positive when things get hectic.
- Promote YOU: Share a YAY moment that you’ve achieved in your business recently.
- Take Back Your Time Day: Ask your community to share their best time saving tips.
- I Care About You Day: Encourage your community to contact someone to let them know they care.
- Motivation: Share a quote or video that motivates and inspires you.
- Tip of the Day: Share how your product / service will benefit your community. Phrase this in a tip format that’s easy to grasp and incorporate.
- One Word: How has your One Word impacted your business this month?
- Gratitude: Ask your community what they are thankful for this week.
- Checklist Day: Create and share a simple checklist that will benefit your community.
- October Recap: Share your favorite moments from this month. (Tip: I love using the One Second Every Day app to create a quick video to do this.)

Now available on Amazon! My extensive social media prompts book has content ideas and inspiration for each day of October to include monthly, weekly and daily observations.
More October Days to Highlight
International Frugal Fun Day is observed the 1st Saturday of October.
National Diversity Day and World Smile Day are observed the 1st Friday of the month.
National Stop Bullying Day is observed the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Multicultural Diversity Day is observed the 3rd Monday of the month.
National Boss Day is celebrated the closest weekday to October 16th. Toot your horn today! Celebrate the wonderful Boss that you are. You can also ask your community what made their favorite boss so great, and share memories of one that impacted your journey.
Love Your Body Day is celebrated the 3rd Wednesday in October.
Get to Know Your Customers Day is observed the 3rd Thursday in October. Ask a getting to know you question of your online community
Purple Thursday is observed the Thursday of the third full week in October. Share a photo of you wearing purple to raise awareness for domestic violence.
Make a Difference Day is celebrated on the 4th Saturday of each October. It’s a great day to ask your community for random acts of kindness ideas.

Michelle D. Garrett is the founder of Divas With A Purpose.
She focuses on sharing resources for being purposely productive; setting personal and professional goals and achieving them through daily action; and successfully running a business while focusing on your mental health. Michelle is a full-time entrepreneur who specializes in teaching female entrepreneurs how to show up consistently in their business – online and off.