International Day of the Girl

Having a daughter last year really put some things into perspective for me. Even though I’d been a mom for almost 11 years when I had Miss V – becoming a mom to a little girl was a different experience.  There are so many different issues that affect our girls that are often ignored and need to be addressed within our communities and society.

1 in 3 girls around the world is denied an education because of poverty, discrimination and violence.

Today the world celebrates International Day of the Girl to bring worldwide awareness to the issues girls face in different countries that hinder them receiving an education: from poverty to forced marriages.  In some countries, girls as young as 8 are forced into marriages and motherhood way before their bodies, minds, and spirits are ready for it.

Making it through both primary and secondary education is critical to girls being able to help break the cycle of poverty.

1 in 3 girls in developing world are married before they are 18. These children are twice as likely to be abused by their husbands and are often treated as property – bought, sold and tossed aside.  Girls who complete secondary education are 6 TIMES LESS likely to become child brides. Supporting educating these children helps to protect and change their life paths.

1 in 3 girls in developing world are married before they are 18. These children are twice as likely to be abused by their husbands and are often treated as property – bought, sold and tossed aside. Girls who complete secondary education are 6 TIMES LESS likely to become child brides. Supporting educating these children helps to protect and change their life paths.

I encourage you to support this important initiative and make a difference in other divas lives.  By simply connecting with others via social network outlets and spreading the word – you can make a difference.


 How are you committed to empowering and educating our girls? What does GIRLS + EDUCATION = to you?

Feel free to chime in on our Facebook pageand see other responses.