100 Ways to Support and Improve Mental Health
While Mental Health Month is recognized each May and October 10th is World Mental Illness Day, it is important to focus on ways to support and improve mental health every day of the year.
I am fairly open with my depression and anxiety diagnosis. I, also, stress the importance of self-care and incorporating healthy habits in our daily routines. I do this because it is important to have open dialogue around mental health in order to increase understanding and awareness. If you are looking for ways to improve your mental health, it is important to know that your overall health and wellness plays a big role.

100 Ways to Improve Mental Health
- Value your presence and uniqueness.
- Eat on a consistent schedule – even if you don’t feel hungry put something in your body for nutrients.
- Exercise.
- Create routines.

- Be open and honest with your care team.
- Create a care plan.
- Create a Hope Box. HOPE stands for Hold On Pain Ends.
- Stay hydrated.
- Stay current with your wellness check-ups.
- Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself.
- Avoid tobacco products and alcohol (especially if you’re taking medication).
- Have uplifting and nurturing people around you. Identify at least three lines of support.
- Volunteer.
- Set daily affirmations.
- Set daily SMART goals.
- Treat yourself with respect and love.
- Focus on the here and now.
- Give yourself grace.
- Learn to forgive yourself – especially for hurts and trauma that were done to you. You are not to blame for the actions of others.
- Work through forgiving those who have hurt you if that hurt is keeping your from moving forward.
- Incorporate meditation into your daily routine.
- Practice mindfulness.
- Get adequate sleep.
- Limit access to people and things that cause you stress.

- Practice yoga.
- Limit (or eliminate) your caffeine intake – especially if you have anxiety.
- Try something new – a new restaurant, hobby, local attraction, etc.
- Do a puzzle.
- Watch a funny YouTube video.
- Read a good book or listen to an audiobook.
- Go for a walk – even if it’s just to your mailbox.
- Open your blinds and let sunlight in.
- Get out of bed and get dressed daily.
- Keep a journal of your thoughts.

- Call someone to let them know you love and appreciate them.
- Color in a coloring book.
- Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet like wild salmon, tuna, walnuts, or flaxseed.
- Smile.
- Take a mental health day.
- Create a night-time ritual to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.
- Cut back on sugary snacks – candies, cakes, sodas, etc.
- Establish healthy boundaries.
- Focus on what you accomplish versus what you don’t.
- Allow yourself to feel emotions – especially the ones that are not “warm and fuzzy”.
- Listen to music.
- Do a brain dump.
- Start a task or project that you have been putting off.
- Do a crossword or sudoku puzzle
- Diffuse essential oils
- Look at yourself in the mirror and say “I love you”.
- Declutter your space.
- Create a self-soothing kit.
- Use a mental health app
- Have face-to-face interaction with family and friends.
- Watch a sunset or sunrise.
- Take a road trip.
- Try a new recipe.
- Make self care a priority.
- Be still and fully take in your surroundings focusing on your five senses. (This especially helps if you are having a panic attack)
- Limit your time on technological devices. Strive to be off all tech products 1-2 hours before bed.
- Go to bed at the same time each night.
- Practice intentional gratitude.
- Learn something new – skill, language, hobby, word, fun fact, etc.
- Limit your time on social media.
- Go for a swim.
- Join a gym
- If you work from home, use a co-working space for a change of scenery and to interact with others.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- Set long-term goals.
- Create a vision board.
- Surround yourself with positive words and images.
- Do some sort of quick physical activity once every hour – jump-n-jacks, walk in place, stretches, etc.
- Be aware of your triggers and avoid them.
- Listen to inspirational and uplifting TED Talks.
- Take a quick nap. (Try not to nap after 3 PM, so you do not interfere with your sleep schedule)
- Join a team sport.
- Take a continuing education class.
- Get educated about your mental health to feel more empowered.
- Say no to things you do not enjoy, and yes to the things that bring you joy.
- Make your well-being a priority.
- Have an accountability partner check in with regularly.
- Attend group therapy and / or support groups in your community.
- Practice deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and anxiety.
- Practice progressive muscle relaxation to release physical tension.
- Limit exposure to news and negative media content.
- Engage in laughter therapy, such as watching a comedy show or funny videos.
- Volunteer for a cause that aligns with your values and passions.
- Practice acts of kindness towards others, fostering a sense of connection and purpose.
- Set healthy boundaries with toxic or draining relationships.
- Try aromatherapy with calming scents like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus.
- Practice visualization techniques for relaxation and goal setting.
- Engage in grounding exercises to stay present and centered.
- Practice assertiveness to express your needs and feelings openly.
- Engage in a digital detox day to reduce screen time and promote mindfulness.
- Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 technique during moments of anxiety: Identify five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
- Practice forgiveness meditation to let go of past grievances and find inner peace.
- Engage in grounding exercises, such as walking barefoot on grass or soil, to connect with the earth’s energy.
- Set healthy boundaries with work or school commitments to avoid burnout.
- Use a weighted blanket to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
- Spend time with animals, whether you have a pet or volunteer at an animal shelter.
- Engage in breathing exercises before bed to improve sleep and reduce nighttime anxiety.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health disorder, visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness website for valuable resources to find help and support, or call the toll-free helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).