Encouraging Your Circle

Welcome to Day  18 of our 31 Days of Embracing Your Divatude Challenge! Today’s challenge is focused on encouraging your circle of divas.

If you are new to the challenge, you can catch up here.

Briefly, the month of May is dedicated to focusing on our Divatude – being driven, inspiring, victorious and called to action in our personal and professional lives. As women, different aspects of divatude impact our daily walk at all times. Our focus with this challenge is taking the time to reflect on our daily attitudes and actions and ensuring we are focusing on what will lift us and others around us up.

31 Days of Embracing Your Divatude

The friendships I have cultivated with other divas are absolutely priceless.  My divas have inspired me in so many ways.  We’ve celebrated together, cried together, mourned together, succeeded together, motivated one another and so much more.  Not all of them are friends that I have known forever and some are friends that I have never met face-to-face! Social media has a way of connecting us with others that we never thought possible and I am thankful for that.

Encourage and Motivate: The Power of Our Divalicious Friendships

I came across an article awhile back on the scientific study of female friendships and, to me, it was absolutely right on target:

“Across species and throughout human cultures, females have banded together for protection and mutual support. They have groomed each other, tended each other’s young, nursed each other in illness and engaged in the aimless sociability that generally has mystified male anthropologists.
But the power of girlfriends is beginning to yield its secrets to science. For women, friendship not only rules, it protects. It buffers the hardships of life’s transitions, lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity and promotes healing. It might help explain why women, on average, have lower rates of heart disease and longer life expectancies than men.” ~ Melissa Healy, Seattle Times
Today’s challenge is encouraging your circle of divas. I challenge you to connect with 2-3 other divas and commit to motivating and uplifting each other over the next week (or longer if you decide). It can be as simple as a mass text or email, inspirational Facebook posts, or conference calls. Whatever your schedules will allow and you can all  commit to.