DWP Challenge Day 3: Nice Gestures

Today’s challenge was rather simple compared to yesterday’s for me. I needed that mental break!
I just had to be nice – now sometimes that can be easier said than done. I chose to focus on my commutes back and forth to work because I have a tendency to be a little short-tempered in the car. Just a tad!
I smiled more and even used nice hand gestures 🙂
What random act of kindness did you do for someone today? Day’s not over yet if you haven’t done anything…try it…it’ll bring a smile to your face and their’s!
The significance of this, you ask? Well, being nice is always a good thing but some other benefits:
~  it helps add significance and meaning to your life
~ it’s a stress reliever and confidence booster
~ it helps distract and alleviate some of your own problems
~ people take notice and do nice things for others, too

So, really, what are you waiting for?
Week 1 of the Challenge:Day 1: Write Personal Mission Statement

Day 2: Rather than criticize, coach. Motivate with positive feedback and influence.

Day 3: Do something nice for someone else – leave a soda money by the vending machine, pay for someone’s coffee, let that extra car turn during your morning or afternoon commute, etc

Day 4: Focus on the positive all day. No negative thoughts. (Warning – often when you make a conscious effort to be positive, it will seem as though anything and everything that can go wrong will – keep smiling and stay positive through it all).

Day 5: Connect with at least 4 other people and commit to motivating and inspiring one another for the next 5 days. It doesn’t have to be anything ornate – just a simple motivating text, email, Facebook post, etc.

Day 6: Have a selfish moment. Do something for yourself.

Day 7: Share lessons from your successes and failures with someone that can benefit from it.

You can see an overview and the inspiration behind this 14-day challenge here.