Letting Go to Receive

Am I the only one that has a hard time letting go? Whether it’s things, people, thoughts? From being a packrat at times to holding on to toxic relationships – I can count numerous occasions where I have kept things around way past their expiration dates. I was driving  around running errands earlier today and…

Watch Your Words

A conversation with a friend brought back the words I wrote in a post entitled Dreamkillers a couple of years ago: I remember years ago, someone very close to me said some very harsh words that stayed with me for years. Many times when I would go to do something new, their words would come…

Pressing Forward

Ever had something happen or be said that makes you just stop and question yourself. Did I just see or hear what I think I did??? I had one of those moments earlier over the weekend. My first reaction was disbelief. A very unfair allegation was made towards DWP and its motivations in a public…

Guest Post: Dreams

As an inspirational speaker, Sherika V. Washington has a desire to share the tools our young people need in order to be heard, understood, and respected. Through a spoken presentation that includes practical application exercises, our young people will leave on fire; ready and equipped to make a change in themselves and in society. Speak…