College Life 101: Leaving the Nest

I love my family. They have the ability to get me to completely change my plans of being lazy and unproductive on my weekends to do “stuff”. Prime example is last weekend when I found myself thrown back into college life – surrounded by freshmen, weepy parents, and multiple trips to pick up forgotten necessities.

Yep, my little cousin was starting college. The college years seem to be ones that can truly make or break you. As someone who went the very non-traditional route – I stress the importance of going to college right out of high school, if possible. Once kids, bills, spouses, jobs, and life kicks in – adding college to the mix is definitely doable but can be much more stressful.

I’ve committed to be available for my younger cousins as they go through their ups and downs of life. They definitely keep me entertained on my toes. Many thanks to the divas below who have offered their words of wisdom for those experiencing college life for the first time.

College Life 101: Words of Advice for Your College Freshman

 Know sTweet: Words of Advice for Your College Freshman that’s heading to or sending a child to college this fall? Click the photo to tweet this article to share with them tips and suggestions from some awesome Divas and Diva Supporters.

  • Most important would be to come up with an organization system that works for them and will help keep them on track! Then my next one is to stay away from frat parties as tempting as they are! – Lena Blair, Uncreative Mommy


  • Pace yourself….you will not be able to attend everything that is happening at the college & maintain your grades. Be selective in your extracurricular activities. Find a good balance between attending class/studying/social activities. – Pamela King, Still Dating My Spouse


  • As a mother of 3 daughters who have each enjoyed the college experience, what I would offer is for the freshman teen to be a Leader and not a Follower, to set the standard and to be mindful of whom they choose to call “friend”. For the Bible tells us that Bad Association spoils Useful Habits. Happy Learning!!! – Rene’ W.


  •  This really helped me: all freshmen are probably just as nervous as you. – Laura Benedict, Ambassador for Plexus Slim


  •  First, do not leave your laundry unattended! Some people will not think twice about pulling your newly washed laundry out and throwing it on the filthy floor so that they can use the machine. Bring homework with you when you go to wash your clothes and kill two birds with one stone. Second, ALWAYS wear shower shoes! As a former resident assistant, please trust me on this one … Finally, tie your room key around your neck and never take it off! Because everyone laughs about it when they tell their friends they locked themselves out of their room when they went down the hall to take a shower. But, let’s be honest … we were all mortified when we had to walk across campus to the police station wearing only a towel. ~ Sarah



  • Find a good study partner who will help you to stay focused. Never wait to the last minute to seek out tutoring services on campus. Always communicate with your professors. Let them know if you need help. Most professors I know are approachable and are willing to help students who show interest in the subject and are eager to learn. If you must drop a class, make sure you file an official withdrawal slip with the Registrars Office. Unofficial withdrawals become “F’s” which tanks your grade point average. Make sure you connect with your academic adviser and and check in periodically during your four years so that you are taking the right classes. Plus, at the end of your studies you would have made great connections on campus with your professors and advisers that you will be able to request letters of recommendations for grad school. ~ Renee R.


  • Remain focused on your goals – why you are there in the first place, what you hope to gain from the experience, why you chose your area of study…it’s easy to get caught up in the moment, the pressures of new friends/parties/activities, so you have to have an anchor in the midst of all the emotions and excitement to keep you grounded. – Miki


  • Start looking into internships early on. Whatever experience you can get the better. It’s harder to gain experience after you’ve graduated. – Arelis, My Pocketful of Thoughts


  • Remember it’s all an experience. There will be ups and downs. Try to find a group of friends/study partners. Get to know you teachers and don’t be afraid to call home as much as you want. – Shirley


  • My biggest piece of advice is to take it slow and don’t let small things get you down. If you didn’t get the grade you wanted, talk to the professor and figure out a plan to work things out. Don’t sweat the small stuff. – Dr. Sports Guy

What words of wisdom would you give a teen starting their freshman year in college? Any key advice stick out from your college years?