Back To You Challenge

Back To You Challenge:
A 5-Day Self-Care Challenge for Moms

Back To You Challenge | #BackToYou | Divas With A Purpose

As mothers, we focus on giving and providing to our families and often put ourselves at the very bottom of our to-do lists. You know, below below the bottom line. Many times we do this and do not even recognize it.

Quick Challenge: Reflect on everything you’ve done for the past 48 hours. How many things purely benefited you?

I’ll wait.

Need me to wait longer?

It’s okay. I can completely relate. After the birth of my daughter, I had a serious reality check and made a commitment to putting myself first more often. Having what I called “selfish moments” because I realized that by not giving myself those moments I was doing a disservice not only to me but to my family, as well.

I’ll be honest, over the past few months I have really slacked off. I spent the summer home with my youngest two children and it was truly almost always all about them. This was the first summer I had off in a long time (okay, probably ever since I became a mother) and I may or may not have been trying to make up for all of those summers combined. Of course, my body came to a screeching halt and said, “Look here, Diva! Chill!”

That’s the thing about continuously putting everyone before you – it can and will impact your health.

I rationalize my “me time” like this – those few hours that I take for me keep me from spending days or even weeks or months out of commission because of health reasons.

This week we’ll be sharing our Back To You Challenge. It’s a week-long self-care challenge for mothers.

I’m kicking it off this Monday because it’s the first official full week of school. Cue balloons, celebratory music and all the cheesecake I can eat. (A Diva can dream, right?)

The great thing about this challenge is that you can start it at anytime and you can repeat it as often as you need to.

[Tweet “I’m joining the #BackToYou Challenge – a #selfcare challenge for moms”]

Click here to join the 2016 Back To You Challenge.

Back to You Challenge | Divas With A Purpose #BackToYou

Click Here to Download Your Copy of Our Back to You Challenge Printable

If you’re on Instagram, use the hashtag #BackToYou to chronicle the challenge. You can connect with me here.

Let’s get started!

You can, also, watch the daily videos from our Facebook page (all less than 3 minutes long):

Challenge Intro

Day 1: Celebrate You!

Day 2: Create a schedule.

Day 3: Goals and Vision Board

Day 4: Your health matters

Day 5: Check in on your tribe

Day 1: Celebrate You!

We’re going to get this challenge started with a celebration! It doesn’t have to be over-the-top and crazy, but do something that you love, want and may or not necessarily need.

Some ideas:

  • Starbucks break
  • Massage
  • Pedicure
  • Window shopping with no children in tow
  • Eat your favorite snack uninterrupted
  • Have a mom’s brunch or lunch out (or in!)

Related Articles:
First – Love Yourself by Janeane’s World

7 Reasons to Practice Self-Care by I’m Not The Nanny

Monday Motivation: Celebrate Yourself

Day 2: Schedule Time For You

Most of us are schedulers – we have numerous people to consider when making plans. Today’s challenge is to schedule at least 1 hour monthly for yourself away from your family. You could do anything, but it’s your time.

Are you a working and / or single mom and this seems inconceivable? Been there on both accounts and you truly need to embrace this challenge. Use your lunch hour or barter sitting services, but please carve out some time that’s just for you on a regular basis.

You can use some of the ideas from Day 1’s challenge or find something that’s special or important to you – taking an enrichment class at your local recreation center, spending at an hour at the library, window shopping, meeting your fellow divalicious Mommy-friends for lunch or dinner, the list is endless!

Day 3: Vision and Goal Board

Do you have a vision or goal board? Do you have items specific to you and your personal wellness and growth? Take today to begin working on one or adding to an existing one and make sure you incorporate goals that center around you and your personal wellness. If you’re repeating this challenge, take today to really reflect on your vision and goal board and determine what you will do over the next week, month and quarter to attain your goals. Write them down and share them with an accountability partner.

Simple Vision Board Template

Related Article:
3 Tips to Achieve Your Goals (photos from my 2015 Vision Board Party)

Day 4: Your Health Matters

Remember I shared earlier that my body gave me a wake-up call on the importance of taking care of me? It’s important and necessary to focus on your health. That includes regular check-ups, exercising regularly, eating healthy – you know, all of the things we make sure our spouse and children do. Today I challenge you to take an assessment of your health and commit to at least 3 changes you will make going forward – regular exercise, scheduling that check-up you’ve been putting off, increasing your water intake, etc. It does not have to be a drastic lifestyle change, but for your sake remember that your health matters!

Related Article:
I Like to Move It by Say It, “Rah-shay”
(my friend Rachee talks about her desire to exercise and I’ve loved following her journey to doing just that!)

5 Creative Ways To Start A Workout Routine by Mama Knows It All

Day 5: Reach out to your tribe

We need a tribe – a circle of trusted friends who know and can relate to us. Reach out to yours just to let them know you appreciate them. Share this challenge with someone who’d benefit from it.

My friend Natasha over at Houseful of Nicholes has issued a Just Write Challenge over on her site. Remember the excitement of getting a letter addressed to you in the mail? Now imagine getting that letter today as an adult – among the bills and junk mail. Awesomeness, right?

That’s it, Divas! Five days of focusing on you. Let’s work together to make this a habit so we can be there and be healthy and whole for our families.

Remember, if you’re an Instagram-aholic like I am,
feel free to chronicle your #BackToYouChallenge successes using the hashtag.

Small Victories Sunday Linkup